
How do you get over a reading slump?

Reignite your passion for reading with these simple tips.

Jul 20, 2024

As an avid reader, I've always found solace in the pages of a good book—each story an adventure, every page a portal to a new world. However, I unexpectedly fell into an endless reading slump. The stack of unread books on my nightstand seemed to mock me, and every time I picked one up, my mind would drift away. This slump persisted for months. I'd start a book, read a bit, then stop. It was frustrating and I desperately needed to rediscover my joy in reading.

Reading slumps can be triggered by various factors—stress, burnout from reading too many similar books, or simply a temporary shift in interests. Whatever the cause, one can get back into the habit of reading through simply trying. I, through trial and error, have discovered several methods that have helped me climb out of my reading rut. Here are some approaches that might work for you too. 

Finding comfort in familiar worlds

Sometimes, a slump is a sign you need a warm hug from a favourite book. Whenever I'm stuck in a reading slump, I turn to my comfort books—those tried-and-true stories that have never failed to engage me. Authors like Jasper Fforde, Diana Wynne Jones, Margaret Atwood, and Octavia Butler often come to my rescue. Their beloved characters and familiar words offer a sense of security and nostalgia, reminding me why I fell in love with reading in the first place.

Opt for lighter reads 

Sometimes the sheer weight of a dense or complex book can be intimidating. In such cases, I opt for something lightweight and easy to read. These books often have engaging plots that don't require too much mental heavy lifting. 

I've found Kindle Unlimited to be a treasure trove of ebooks offering a vast selection of lighter reads, perfect for grabbing a quick escape on the go. 

Acknowledge the power of audiobooks

When my eyes refuse to cooperate, my ears come to the rescue. Audiobooks have been a game-changer for me. Listening to a story can be less daunting than reading it, and it often rekindles my appetite for more stories. Sometimes, even podcasts can have the same effect. They engage my imagination and remind me of the joy of getting lost in a good narrative. If you haven't tried audiobooks yet, give them a shot. Try or Audible. You never know, they might just be the nudge you need to get back into reading.

Novellas, the bite-sized delights

The short novels, typically ranging from 100 to 200 pages, offer a satisfying reading experience without the intimidation of a full-length novel. Very honestly, there's something satisfying about finishing a book quickly. It gives you a sense of accomplishment that can motivate you to keep reading. Carry one with you everywhere and you'd be surprised how many five-minute reading opportunities you can find throughout the day.

Find your book tribe

You will find plenty of book clubs or online forums these days on Instagram and other apps. BYOB (Bring Your Own Book) and The Indian Book Club are a few that you can check out. They connect you with fellow readers all around the city and host special reading sessions. The shared experience of discussing characters, plots, and recommendations can provide extra motivation to keep turning those pages.

Take a break when necessary

Reading should be a source of pleasure, not pressure. If it feels like a chore, give yourself permission to step away for a while. Pursue other hobbies, recharge, and come back to books when you feel the pull of a good story again.

Every reader goes through slumps. Breaking out of it is a personal journey. What works for one person might not work for another. The key is to be patient with yourself and experiment with different approaches. Start small, be consistent, and slowly but surely, you'll find yourself lost in the pages of a good book once again. 

Happy reading! 

Lead image credit: Pexels

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