
Here's What Your Toes Say About Your Personality

Did you know that your feet hold many unknown secrets about you?

Mar 16, 2021

While your palms may provide an insight into your future and your eyes may serve as a window into your mind, were you aware that your feet hold secrets aplenty? 

As recent studies have established an association between the length of our fingers to multiple aspects of our life—from intellect to vulnerability to certain diseases—your toes can divulge various facets of your personality as well. Foot readers claim that the shape, size and length of each toe is linked to specific personality indicators.

'Solestry', popularly known as 'foot reading', is a form of divination that can provide a glimpse into an individual’s personality. Foot reader Anne Scardarella claims that your feet can depict the happenings of your love life. "If there is an issue in your life that you are struggling with, it will manifest itself in your feet," she told Cosmopolitan. 

According to foot reader Preeti Chadha, wide-footed people are usually thought to be hard workers, while those with narrow feet may prefer to take it easy. In addition, people with high arches are said to possess inner strength and prefer to be alone rather than being embraced by others. Those with flat feet, on the other hand, enjoy being in the company of other people. "Tiny and thick feet—in comparison to the rest of your body—indicate prosperity and abundance, while long, fat and soft feet indicate that money is being spent faster than it is being earned. Patchy skin on unbalanced feet denotes hardships, while balanced, soft-skinned feet are considered to be symbolic of a luxurious lifestyle," she explains. 

Scroll to see the secrets your feet reveal about you!

The Eygptian Toe

The Egyptian toe is distinguished by a long big toe, followed by the other toes tapering at a 45 degree angle. Hence, the entire foot is at an incline and usually longer and narrower than other shapes. Those with such feet often have a royal air about them, and love being pampered. They have a keen eye for aesthetics and come across as friendly people—ideal in dealing with difficult personalities.

The Greek Toe

The Greek toe—also referred to as the 'flame foot' or 'fire foot'—is characterised by a protruding second toe which happens to be larger than the big toe. Those with such feet often possess a creative mind and are extremely sporty, along with having exceptional leadership qualities. But, they are very impulsive and have a tendency take on a lot of stress. They are full of energy and love being the centre of attention! In short, they are the life of a party. 

The Roman Toe

The roman toe is characterised with the first three toes being of the same height, and the last two in descending order. People with such toes are known to have a balanced body shape, as well as a balanced personality. Besides being outgoing, those with roman toes live for exploration and adventures, and love discovering new things. 

The Peasant Toe

The peasant toes are roughly all of the same length, with the big toe maybe a tad bit longer. The square shape of these feet indicate virtues of patience and thoughtfulness. These people tend to mull over and think through practically before making a decision, and often come forward as mediators when attacked with an issue. The 'sorted ones', they are honest and realistic by nature. 

Stretched Toes

If you have stretched toes, your big toe tends to stray away from the rest of the toes. This is indicative of an individual with an independent personality, who dislikes boundaries and often chooses to play devil's advocate in any situation, just for the sake of argument. 

Extra-small Toes

Similar to the Eygptian foot, this foot type can be distinguished by an extra small pinky toe, with the rest of the toes tapering in descending order. Such people are usually open, besides having certain aspects that they like to keep concealed. There may be certain things you don't like to talk about and avoid discussing with others, given a choice.

Wide-set Toes

If you have wide-set toes there is either a lot of gap between all your toes or you're able to stretch them far apart. Known as the 'traveller's foot', you can't help but wander, and often seek exciting and new experiences. You despise stagnancy and monotony and are happiest when on the go!

The Warrior Toe

Your big toe is long and the remaining four are almost exactly of the same length. You're a light-hearted, party person who often tends to get distressed over issues that matter to you. You wont shut down until you win!

Inclined Toes

Such toes have a gap between the second and third toe, with the second toe leaning against the big toe. If this is you, you prefer not to stir the pot and are quiet and prefer maintaining a peaceful environment. While many are born with this foot shape, some tend to acquire such a shape over time, indicating that are involved in co-dependent relationships. 

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