
Here’s what your favourite movie genre says about you

You put the ‘thrill’ in thriller <3 

Jan 24, 2023

We all watch the odd-ball film outside of our usual genre once in a while, but we all have our home ground—films from genres that lie within our own safe, secure, and comfortable space (even if your go-to genre happens to be horror). It’s the genre that you would pick anytime, anywhere—whether it’s a sleepover night with your girls, a date night with your partner, on a holiday, or on one of those days when you feel like going back to the familiar. And there’s a lot we can tell about your personality based on just your favourite film genre. Read on to know if we guessed right! 


Thrillers (n.) meaning, a novel, play or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage. If you’re fan of murders, mysteries, quizzes and plot twists, then here’s what we know. You enjoy solving puzzles and your mind often works at a faster rate than most. You are ever eager to get to the ultimate answer. You enjoy the thrill and moments that fill you with curiosity and are a lover of everything adventurous. Also, you are always eager to bring your A-game and are the one to go to in stressful situations because you deal with them in a mindful manner. Your friends and colleagues love that you’re a definite problem-solver.


“Don’t forget, I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy asking him to love her.” – Pretty Woman 
“Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind.” – 27 Dresses 

If you live by these iconic dialogues from romantic-comedies, first of all, we’re all for it. You’re a firm believer in the fairy-tale kind of love and happy endings that fill your heart with utmost joy. You own your sensitivity and emotions. You believe that life is truly what you make it out to be and will relentlessly work towards being happy, healthy, and loved. You are willing to overcome every obstacle and challenge that comes your way and your ever-optimistic attitude and approach to life is why people love you the most. You attract positive and good energy, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 


If you’re fan of horror movies, you were probably the kid who enjoyed trips to the haunted house in amusement parks. You love the unexpected jump-scares and your curiosity overtakes every inch of your being. You are always dying to know what’s on the other side of things. We can definitely say that you’re intrigued by themes reflected in horror films including death and invoking spirits. You have an unconventional way of thinking and that’s what fascinates everybody around you—the quirkiest answers in conversations and more. We love that you’re someone who is in touch with their emotions—the good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between. 

“There should be no boundaries to human endeavours. We are all different. However bad life may seem, there is always something you do, and succeed at. While there’s life, there is hope.” – Theory of Everything 

Human stories are the most inspiring, aren’t they? The trial, tribulations, and the belief that anything you want to do, is truly possible. If you’re a fan of biopics, we know that you’re inspired by the very values, mindset and principles of the subject of these films. You live your life with an unending pursuit of passion and purpose. Oh, and you LOVE stories. You love hearing them, reading them, sharing them, and living them. You seek to learn lessons from the people you meet and the conversations you have. You’re definitely a people person, and the ideal mentor any employee would be lucky to have! 

Are films like Mission Impossible and Skyfall your go-to genre? Hmm, well then you’re a fan of the unreal. We’re just kidding. But you do enjoy the kicks and jumps and are always rooting for the winner. Your energy is at an all-time high and are always up for some adventure—including jumping off cliffs and whatnot. You’re a lover of life and are always excited about what’s coming your way. People love you for your determination, dedication and wholeheartedness in everything that you do! Cheers to you, don’t let anyone kill your buzz! 



Here’s what we have to say about you: Little Miss Drama! You love everything filmy and over-the-top. But here’s the thing, it’s how life MUST be lived. You take everything in your stride—the tears, the smiles, the laughter, the hugs, the kisses. Romanticise your life, take a stand, fight those battles. You are definitely that person. Oh and also, you love the drama. You’re all for the gossip, as long as you’re not involved in it. You know everything that’s happening (as you should) but you’re also the agony aunt, guide, and 3:00 a.m. friend to everyone you love and care for. 

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