
Here’s what to do if your orgasms have been getting stuck

Open the door for your big Os.


They say sex goes beyond climaxing—we bet those people are either getting enough of orgasms or trying to make peace with the lack thereof. To be honest, yes, sex does go beyond orgasming, it’s a lot of intimacy and pleasure. But doesn’t a good, knee-weakening climax just make it much sweeter? Sure, it’s different for everyone but we’re guessing you’re someone who would love love and absolutely love a very satisfying end to a sex sesh. 

This is why when an orgasm gets stuck, it can feel so frustrating. As you know it’s somewhere around the corner. The electricity is running through your hips but each time you feel it will happen soon, it just doesn’t. If only orgasms worked on command! 

Guess what? We support big Os and we’d like you to have your share of those. If all of this sounds like something you go through, here are a few tips that will help keep your big Os flowing! 

Go on, masturbate 

Sometimes, it’s easier to understand what makes you moan in pleasure by exploring your body yourself. So let your mind wander to the sexiest places and it will help you discover the things you like doing in bed. Then go on to touch yourself and find the perfect rhythm that works for you. 


Direct your boo 

Once you know what makes you go cray cray in bed, you can direct your partner to do the same. However, we understand that sometimes, things are not so easy. You may have a partner who isn’t receptive to feedback or someone who is not able to get the hang of it. You may also be struggling to communicate it openly. In this case, there will have to be an open and honest conversation around your orgasms. 

Set the mood 

It’s important to feel completely at ease—comfortable and turned on—before you embark on a journey to orgasmville. If you're not emotionally connected with your partner or feeling upset with them, it might affect your orgasms, especially if you're demisexual. Also, being in a space or position you’re not comfortable with can hamper your sexual pleasure. 


Be mentally present 

It’s important to cut the noise and just focus on the sensations while trying to orgasm. Don’t think about anything else and allow yourself to simply feel. At the same time, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to come. Enjoy the process instead and it will happen. 

Know when it’s time to seek help 

If nothing works, you know it’s time to seek help from an expert. It could be something else—physiological or psychological. But it's worth exploring both possibilities. 

All images: Pexels

Also read: Everything you need to know about the dragon sex position

Also read: Here is how you and your partner can have a simultaneous orgasm

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