
Here's how you know it's time to end a situationship

These are the signs to look out for.


We're well into 2024, and the term 'situationship' is yet to fade away. From the looks of it, the trend might last a while longer; at least until people learn to embrace the art of communication and abandon the anthem 'delulu is the only solulu'. Now there is an unending debate about what qualifies as a situationship. In essence, it is an undefined relationship characterised by the sentiment, 'We're more than friends but less than partners.'

A situationship can last anywhere between a month and a year or more; there's no expiration date as such unless one decides to set one. But how long should a situationship last? And when do you know it's time for the next step? Is there even a next step? The parade of questions is endless, but the answers are simple—not for those of you ignoring the red flags, of course. Determining when it's time to end a situationship can be challenging, so here are a few signs that it's time to end things. 

Your intentions don't match

When it comes to situationships, both partners need to be absolutely clear about their intentions from the start. When you both understand what you want, you avoid mismatched expectations. But if you're in a situationship with minimal clarity, you must initiate a conversation about your expectations from the relationship. Believe us, this proactive approach will save you time and emotional energy, allowing you to be more straightforward with each other. And if your partner’s intentions don't align with yours, it might be time to consider an exit strategy.

It is emotionally draining

Emotional exhaustion can manifest in different ways—constant overthinking, anxiety, or experiencing an emotional rollercoaster. Pay attention to how the situationship makes you feel on a daily basis. Ideally, a healthy connection should bring joy, fulfilment, and support. If you find your emotional energy at a constant low, then it may be time to reassess the relationship and consider moving on for the sake of your emotional health.

You notice that you’re more invested 

Realising that you're more invested in the situationship than the other person is a key observation that shouldn't be ignored. If you find yourself putting significantly more effort, time, or emotional energy into the relationship without comparable reciprocation, it's a sign of imbalance. And we’re sure that is not something you want.  

It’s been more than six months

If the situationship has surpassed the six-month mark or longer without clear progress or commitment, it's a significant factor to consider. Remind yourself periodically that 'if they wanted to, they would.' Six months is more than enough time to determine if you want to be with someone or not. And if they're still not clear on what they want, then this might be a problem, and you might want to reconsider the situation.

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