
Here's how we think Devi's love life panned out, three years later

Never have we ever been prouder of a finale season. 

Feb 26, 2024

After four remarkable seasons, the Netflix show, Never Have I Ever has come to an end. The show started with an angry, curious, and rebellious teenager, Devi, who, over the four seasons stumbles, makes mistakes (huge ones), falls in love, falls out of love, understands loss, empathises with her mother, and even looses her virginity. We’ve religiously watched all seasons and we couldn’t be happier with how it ended. We saw the worst of fits and breakdowns, only to witness the bunch grow and put their best foot forward in the season finale. Besides Paxton’s maturity and Devi's admission into her dream college, we loved how the Mindy Kaling-produced show challenges stereotypes to shape a new narrative around Indian culture, love, relationships, gender, and identity in foreign spaces—whether that meant the robotics lab or an Indian origin in a new country. 

Our favourite moments of love 


Throughout the four seasons, we’ve seen Devi date the most popular boy in high school; have a thing with her nemesis, Ben; fall hard for a major 'bad boy'; and contend in a love triangle for her love, Ben. On the other hand, in what we think is a path-breaking attempt to step away from narrowly defined cultural norms, we see Pati, (Devi’s grandmother, Nirmala) find love, excitement, and joy after being alone for many years in her relationship with Len (a White man—something we are reminded of at every juncture).

She feels shameful for indulging at first, but Kamala, Nalini (Devi's mother), and Devi give her unconditional support and encouragement, which brings her out of society-imposed embarrassment. The love story culminates into a big fat Indian wedding in the finale episode of the series and is a powerful statement about women and their desires, irrespective of age. 

In the meantime, another love story is blossoming against the backdrop of an on-going battle between Devi and Margot and the broken staircase in Devi’s house, which is repaired by Andres, Margot’s single father. Like most love stories, Nalini and Andres’ begins with bickering, pointless disagreements, and fights, but they eventually see the similarities they share and the possibility of a future together. We see Nalini overcoming the grief of losing her husband, being open to a new relationship in her life, and believing in second chances. We see a grown-up and mature Devi showing up for her mother, supporting her, encouraging her, and wanting to put aside her enmity with Margot so their parents can date. 

As for Devi, after a roller coaster semester—from sleeping with Ben and not talking to him, to falling (hard) for Ethan, finding closure (sealed with a kiss) with Paxton, and finally realising how much she and Ben love each other—she’s happy to be on the brink of a new adventure with the lover of her life—for now. "For now" means to me that this is just a moment in time because the rollercoaster ride of life continues," Maitreyi Ramakrishnan says in an interview. "Devi’s still a work-in-progress. It’s very clear that this is just one of many chapters in a young woman’s life, which is very exciting... Life continues and you have no idea what the f**k is going to happen."

We’re here to tell you what the f*** we think is going to happen 

The finale season of Never Have I Ever has given us much to mull over. As Ramakrishnan said, Devi has a long way to go and the show sets the tone for growth and love in all of Devi’s relationships—whether her own, Nalini’s or Pati’s. The three relationships are bound to intertwine and impact each other along the way. So, we thought it might be fun to imagine how Devi’s love life pans out four years later, just as she is about to graduate from university and how Nalini and Nirmala’s relationships influence her worldview on love, relationships, and more. 

Did Devi and Ben last?

Read in John McEnroe and Gigi Hadid's voice: Although we’re quite the fans of Ben and Devi, we hardly think the two made it through four years of frat parties and a swoon-worthy college crowd in a long-distance relationship. Perhaps, like all high-school love stories, theirs ends on a bitter-sweet note with the promise of remaining friends for a long time to come. Her broken heart is consoled by Nalini, whose four-year relationship with Andres has taught her empathy and compassion.

Nalini supports Devi through her heartbreak and the ups and downs of college life, even while being thousands of miles away. She is not yet ready to remarry and seeks solace and comfort in the knowledge that Nirmala and Kamala would be there to support her every step of the way. She looks up to Len and Nirmala and the nurturing and loving environment they have created for themselves. 

Devi embraces her h** phase

Devi eventually moves on from her first love and tries to focus on herself for a bit—only for a bit. She embraces her h** phase as she explores the world of casual dating, hookups, Tinder matches, and even a fling with a Swiss boy, who she meets during an academic exchange programme. Dr Jamie continues to call her out for her misdoings. Devi eventually grows tired of the casualness and looks for something more meaningful in her life, but her efforts are futile. As she enters her final year of college, Devi is focused on only one thing—the honour’s degree she had an eye on and getting accepted at Harvard Law. But, love finds you when you least expect it. 

Devi's office romance with a Yale hottie 

Her first day at her new internship was the perfect blend of klutz moves, spilt coffee, and jitters—which made for the ideal meet-cute. Her super adorable co-worker (let’s call him X) is a recent graduate from Yale (a senior), who bumps into an already frenzied Devi. His twinkling eyes are enough for Devi to overlook her annoyance and the two flirt with each other every day. Frustrated with his lack of initiative, Devi decides to take things into her own hands and be open and honest with him. She asks him out on a date. Relieved at the question, he accepts and the two begin spending much of their time outside work, together. She tells Nalini about her budding relationships who only asks a few hundred questions to make sure he’s a good fit for her. 

Devi and X grow together in the relationship. They evaluate their dreams, values and goals regularly. Devi finds herself head over heels in love and the two put in all the efforts to make the relationship work through its ups and downs. We imagine the cutest date nights, cuddling in the dorm room, and even attending Diwali parties together. Nalini and Nirmala are fond of X—seen by their relentless efforts to feed him, and giving the two their own time, freedom, and space. We see a deeper understanding of love in all its forms. 

Things seem to be going fairly well…for now. But even if and when they cease to go well, we know Devi has women who love her and support her, encouraging her to become everything she ever wanted to be and more!

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