
Is your company "quiet-cutting" you? Here's what you can do

Here’s how you can survive the corporate shenanigans.


In the landscape of workplace dynamics, a new addition has slowly emerged to reshape the employer-employee dynamics. After ‘quiet-quitting’, and ‘quiet-firing’, we have ‘quiet-cutting’ joining the corporate jargon space. And, well, while for the most part, it may not be in our favour, here’s everything you need to know about the new trend. 

What is ‘quiet-cutting’? 

Put simply, quiet cutting is a strategic approach employed by some organisations to manage workforce changes without resorting to traditional layoffs or terminations. In this practice, employers choose to reassign employees to different roles or departments rather than outright terminating their employment. The underlying theory is rooted in cost-effectiveness; by avoiding severance pay and legal complexities associated with layoffs. Further, the method is often executed with the hope that the reassigned employees, facing a shift in responsibilities or roles, may choose to resign on their own accord. While this method may raise ethical concerns, the unfortunate reality is that it is happening, and if you’re in the corporate space, it may happen to you too.

So how do you navigate through ‘quiet-cutting’? 

Get your facts right 

First and foremost, if you’re starting to think that you’re being ‘quiet cut’, try to gather accurate information about your situation. By seeking detailed insights into the reasons behind the reassignment, you can contextualise the situation and make well-informed decisions about your future in the company. 

Have an open conversation with your supervisor 

Effective communication is pivotal when facing a potential ‘quiet cut.’ It involves initiating open and transparent dialogues with supervisors or HR to gain insights into the motivations behind your reassignment. Here’s where you raise your concerns about the shift in your role to gain more clarity.

Evaluate the change 

It's essential to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks objectively. So, take a moment to think and evaluate how this change will mould your career. Further, evaluate whether the change provides growth opportunities or if it poses challenges that may hinder your progress. This process will enable you to make an informed decision about whether to embrace the change, negotiate terms or explore alternative career paths.

Document everything

While you're in the process of moving to a new role within your organisation, be sure that you maintain a record of everything, from emails to calls, to whatever is being promised to you. This documentation not only supports a more accurate understanding of the situation but also becomes a valuable resource if legal or employment-related discussions become necessary.

Understand company policies

During role transitions, grasp company policies to navigate changes effectively. Understand rights, entitlements, and procedures, ensuring compliance and informed decision-making.

Negotiate terms 

At the end of the day, if you decide that leaving the organisation is in your best interest, consider negotiating favourable terms such as a severance package, continued benefits or support in finding a new position. (It’s the least they can do for you).

Also read: A complete guide to managing your finances better

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