
Does music really make sex sexier?

The answer is—yes!

Aug 6, 2024

Do you think when Shakespeare wrote the line, ‘If music be the food of love, play on’ he knew that it would still hold true centuries later? As it turns out, people all around the world prefer music as an aphrodisiac over oysters, dark chocolate, and even wine. And while it has amazing powers to get you in the mood, there's more. It helps during all those times when you want to get down and dirty with your partner but a small part of your brain is wondering if you locked the front door or if your kids have done their homework. Next time this happens, instead of trying hard to focus on your favourite fictional character, put on some music. And there are no rules. So, you could play some classical music, pop (for all the Swifties and Ed Sheeran fans out there), or even some hard rock. Whatever your jam is.

And we’re not making it up. In 2016, electronics company Sanos, in association with neuroscientist Daniel J Levitin, conducted a study in which 67 per cent of participants reported having had better sex with suitable music playing in the background. A few years ago, the music streaming platform, Spotify led a study, which concluded that listening to good music put nearly 40 per cent of the people who were surveyed in a sexy mood. So what is it about music and sex?

We spoke to Preet Alingan, an intimacy coach on Coto, which is a social community platform exclusively for women, who said, “Since ancient times, music has had a profound effect on our nervous system. It calms our minds and bodies. Music can set the stage for connection and pleasure by soothing our nerves and creating an environment for intimacy. It has the power to recall cherished moments, reigniting passion.”  

Alingan goes on to explain that music promotes the release of dopamine (the pleasure chemical) and oxytocin (the love hormone) and this fosters a deep connection and intimacy. But this isn’t all that music does. She points out that rhythm can guide movements to help partners get in sync. It also turns a moment into a memory. So the next time you listen to that same song, you will be transported back to that pleasurable sexperience.

To this, Pallavi Barnwal, sexuality and intimacy coach and founder of Get Intimacy, adds that “physiologically speaking, listening to music increases heart rate and breathing—both of which signify sexual arousal. I believe music is the much-needed transition when moving from a 9-5 high-stress job to lovemaking where one has to let go.”

However, it seems worth mentioning that different genres of music have somewhat different effects. For instance, while heavy rock music is what you need for a passionate quickie. On the other hand, if you're planning a full-blown sex romp, classical or low-key music is the way to go. 

Benefits of listening to music during sex 

Reduces inhibition   

Have you ever noticed that the minute you play a song from your favourite artist or genre, it seems to have a stress-relieving effect on your mind? It’s the same when you play a song that’s your jam while having sex. It melts away all inhibitions and if it’s an upbeat song with some catchy tunes, it might even give you the confidence you need to take charge or even perform a small strip tease. 

Barnwal says, “Good music when played during sex reduces inhibition. It instils a spontaneous and freeing feeling that is so essential in sex. Thus music can result in letting go of sexual inhibitions that create barriers in the past.” 

Sets the mood and fosters intimacy  

Picture this—you and your partner making out to Ed Sheeran’s 'Perfect' or John Legend’s 'All Of Me'. This moment has the power to not only put you in a sexy mood but also strengthen your emotional bond. Alingan explained that “A well-chosen playlist sets the tone for intimacy—whether you want a relaxing, romantic, or passionate mood. It can also strengthen emotional bonds and enable you to communicate feelings without words.”  

Barnwal adds to this saying that music can aid someone who isn’t particularly spontaneous to take the reigns and try new things. “A lot of people do not have a spontaneous desire but a responsive desire for sex. For such individuals, the right context is important but music can help them by guiding their movements and letting them go with the flow,” she says.

Helps you focus  

As we talked about above, music has the power to silence all the nagging voices in your head. It helps you to focus on your partner and stay in the moment when you’re especially distracted. Barnwal calls it musical meditation. And if you’re into classical music, even better. Being mindful and focusing on instrumental tracks can take you on a calming sexsory journey without getting bogged down with lyrical distractions.  

Customise the experience  

You know how one song can take you back to the moment you heard playing for the first time? Alingan says that music can evoke positive memories which can reignite your passion. And then every time you hear a song from your sexy time playlist, it will take you back to that very moment.

Feature image credit: Netflix

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