
Does Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

While the benefits of drinking water have been undeniable, there has been a constant debate among experts about whether hot water does in fact help lose weight. We simplify the math for you…

Jul 28, 2020

The What

According to health experts, one should ideally drink about 7-8 glasses of water every day, although this is just a broad guideline and is likely to vary based on a number of factors like one’s age, physical activity, stress levels, diet, etc. And while there is no rule, really, as to what temperature the water consumed should be—cold, lukewarm or hot—many believe it is the latter two that are relatively more beneficial.

The Why

From fighting the common colds and reducing stress to improving blood circulation, aiding digestion, curing constipation, and detoxifying the body, hot water is known to be a panacea for many an ailment. Many Ayurvedic veterans even recommend hot water for Vata-balancing and Pitta-calming, among other benefits. And another crucial aspect it is universally believed to support is weight loss. While the jury is still out on how factutally correct it is, there are some proven features that indicate that warm/hot water does help, even accelerate, the process of losing weight.

As per a study in PMC, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, when combined with a hypocaloric diet, consuming 500 ml water prior to each main meal increases weight loss in middle-aged and older adults. In another research published in, “drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%, within 10 min and reached a maximum after 30-40 min” of intake. Also, about 40% of this increase “originated from warming the water from 22C to 37 C”.

The How

There could be many reasons for such findings. The most basic explanation is that you feel fuller due to the water consumption, therefore eat less and/or avoid overeating. Which also means a reduction in your calorie intake. (Hence the advice to drink warm water about 10-15 minutes before the meal.) However, hot water is also said to break down fat deposits from the body, which helps in weight loss, too. Warm/hot water also helps in hydrating the body, which further promotes a smoother, faster working of the muscles and organs. This, in turn, boosts metabolism and helps in weight loss. Hot water is seen to raise the body temperature as well: also a good aide for enhanced metabolism.

If not a big fan of chugging down water before meals, try having a glass or two of warm water on empty stomach in the mornings—it is also said to work wonders for weight loss. Squeezing in some lemon or a adding a few drops of honey to this also makes it double as a magic potion for better digestion (and clearer, more radiant skin).


As you prepare to take on this weight-loss journey, it may help to remember a few things here. First and most important: hot water doesn’t mean piping hot. So use your discretion and drink it at a temperature that doesn’t scald your insides! Second, the results can never be obtained in isolation—you will have to supplement all the hot-water drinking with a good diet and a regular workout. And last, be mindful of your health conditions (and consult your GP if need be) before going ahead with this.

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