
Can't Stop Snacking? These Low-Carb, High Protein Foods Are Perfect For You

Binge-on, guilt free, with these healthy (and delicious) snacks. 

Mar 10, 2021

"Stop snacking" is easier said than done. While it's unrealistic to ask you to banish all kinds of 'snackable' items from your stash, you can choose to opt for healthier alternatives that won't bring on the binge-regret. Gone are the days healthy snack food items are unpalatable—so instead of reaching out for that bag of potato chips or a pack of choco-chip cookies, pick one from this—healthy and yummy—list of foods.

"Calories in these healthy food items come packed with nutrition and an adequate amount of protein, good fats and fibrous low glycemic carbohydrates. These foods can also serve as pre-workout meals, an hour before engaging in any form of exercise," informs Zareen Siddique, NASM Certified Fitness and Diet Coach, and Clinical Nutritionist.

1. Roasted Fox Nuts (Makhana)

Fox nuts roasted with olive oil and spices of your choice make for an ideal midnight snack (a cup = 25-300 calories approx). A cup of fox nuts has approximately 3.9 gms of protein, along with calcium, potassium, magnesium and folate. However, ensure that you don't go overboard and you cap your consumption quantity, since it contains a high content of carbs and fat as well. The folate content present in fox nuts also makes it healthy for pregnant women to consume. 

2. Coconut Flour, Peanuts, Walnuts, Jaggery and Ghee Mix

This mixture tastes similar to chikki or dry halwa. A handful of peanuts makes for 100 calories with 6 gms of protein, while a handful of walnuts is almost 200 calories with 4 gms of protein. The majority of calories that come from nuts constitute fats, so make sure to limit your portions. Walnuts also provide Omega 3, an alpha linolenic acid which helps fight inflammation and aids heart health. Coconut flour provides around 120 calories with 6 gms of protein, and it is also rich in fibre and iron besides being gluten free. It contains medium chain triglycerides which is a type of fat that helps heart and brain function. Jaggery (gudd), on the other hand, consists of iron and magnesium, and in small portions serves as a good alternative to processed sugar.

3. Boiled Eggs

Boiled eggs make for a healthy, wholesome snack. You may choose to consume the yolk or only stick to the egg whites. A whole egg provides 6 gms of protein and 78 calories.

4. Hummus with Carrot Sticks

One tbsp of hummus contains approximately 1 gm of protein, and is 27 calories. 2-3 tbsp of the same—along with chopped carrots—makes for a good snack.

5. Banana and Peanut Butter

A filing mix of carbohydrates and protein, banana with two tbsp of peanut butter is around 200 calories, a delicious option.

6. Chia Seeds, Dates, Almond Milk and Vanilla Essence

1/2 a cup of chia seeds mixed with one or two dates, one cup of almond milk and a few drops of vanilla essence is a quick and easy whip-up. Mix the mentioned ingredients and refrigerate. You can top it with some seeds or berries to get a 300 to 400 calories snack. Two tbsp of chia seeds (28 gms) constitute 4 gms of protein, along with a good amount of magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin B3, B1 and B2.

7. Grilled or Tandoori Chicken

A chicken breast would be around 150 gms with 50 gms of protein and 280 calories (the protein content is 30 gms for 100 gms of chicken). Put some cheese or unsalted butter to your chicken to add good fats, making it a complete, healthy meal.

Other snack items that provide lesser calories include popcorn without butter, roasted banana flakes, roasted chana, dry bhel with murmura, fresh coriander, chillies, onions, tomatoes and green chutney, coconut yogurt or any other dairy-free yogurt with a topping of berries.

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