
A broken heart's survival guide for the Valentine's month

Single and already done with the month of love? Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

Feb 14, 2024

It's Valentine's Day and love is in the air! Restaurants are draped in pink and social media is overflowing with #couplegoals. And with all the love and romance spewing around, those grieving their breakup are bound to feel overwhelmed among other things like loss and nostalgia. Most people think about how they spent their last Valentine's Day, missing the person they thought they'd be spending it with, in 2024. So what do you do if you're still healing from a broken heart?

Here are a few things that will help you. 

Focus on acceptance 

Don't avoid your feelings. It's natural to feel sad, angry, or even numb, and not acknowledging your feelings will only delay your healing process. Embrace the fact that you will feel sad; you might even feel "blah" on some days but here's the thing, you will get over it and the only way to do that is to go through it!

Do something new and fun

You've probably done the dinner dates and all of the shenanigans with your exes. So why not try something different this year? Celebrate the day with your loved ones instead, those who truly deserve your time—your friends, family, and pets, which can be quite therapeutic, not to mention, memorable! Do something out of the ordinary like organising game nights, movie marathons, or even going out for a picnic. And if you want to keep it lowkey, you could simply call up a friend and have a nice heart-to-heart!

Be kind to yourself

What would you do if your best friend was going through a break-up? You would (obviously) want to make them feel better. You might say something like 'You deserve the world'  or 'It's okay, I'm here for you', right? So why not do the same for yourself? Be kind to yourself and do what makes you happy. Pamper yourself with a spa day, curl up with a good book, or cook a delicious meal while jamming to your favourite music. Instead of focusing on what's lost or what could have been, make this month all about you!

Don't ruminate

Yes, we asked you to accept your feelings, but you have to draw boundaries and that means not ruminating. Don't spiral when you watch other couples around you or on social media. When you find yourself drawing comparisons, quit it! It's easy to start doubting yourself in such moments. Instead, write down things you love about yourself, remember all the cool things you've done, and celebrate what makes you special. 

Meet new people

It's always good to meet new people and make new connections, and not just potentially romantic ones. Join a club or group that piques your interest, attend a singles event, or sign up for fun workshops and women's travel groups. Or simply strike up a conversation with someone intriguing at say, a coffee shop. You never know who you might meet or what passions you might discover.

Let creative pursuits heal you

Feeling happy, sad, or something in between? Don't keep it bottled up! Write a poem, paint a picture, dance like nobody's watching, or sing your heart out. Being creative helps you express yourself and discover new things about yourself.

Share the love

Instead of feeling sad and left out, spread the love by volunteering at an animal shelter, buying coffee for a friend who needs cheering up, or just smiling at someone. This shifts the focus from "lack" to "abundance", and you'll be surprised at how being kind to others makes you feel better too! 

Also read: Sex toys and multiple orgasms—here’s everything you need to know

Also read: How to make this Valentine's Day about self-love

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