
7 Reasons Why You Should Include Red Rice in Your Diet

Want to make your diet healthier? Switch from white to red rice

Aug 28, 2020

Unless you live under a rock, there are chances that you must have read or heard about red rice replacing white in many kitchens. But if your loyalties lie with the white grains and you find it hard to give up on the comfort food you have grown up eating, then listen up. Red rice is a much healthier option. Red rice has gained huge popularity today due to the plethora of health benefits it offers. “This variety of rice has the dominant red colour because of the presence of anthocyanins, which give the rice a nutty flavour. Red rice is rich in antioxidants and magnesium that helps in preventing and curing many diseases,” says Garima Goyal, a dietician. Here are few of the many reasons why you should start eating red rice now.

Keeps diabetes in control

Red rice being a low glycemic index food regulates blood sugar levels and keeps insulin levels in the body under control. Besides having low glycemic index it also contains other natural ingredients that balance blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

It is a weight watcher’s delight

Compared to white, brown and black rice, red is a better option when it comes to losing weight as it’s quite rich in fibre. It will keep you feeling full for a much longer time. 

Prevents asthma

There is scientific evidence that regular consumption of red rice improves oxygen circulation in the body. “It also helps in enhancing the pulmonary functions of the body, which in turn helps a person have a better respiration rate and oxygen flow in the body, thereby reducing the chances of asthma,” says Garima.

Aids in the digestion process

Red rice contains both soluble and insoluble fibre which work wonders in treating several digestive ailments. In addition to working as a laxative, red rice also has the ability to easily push out the toxins produced by the body and keep the gut happy.

Lifts mood

It is a rich source of iron, hence eating red rice on a daily basis helps in absorption of the oxygen and also circulates it to every cell and tissue of the body. “This improved absorption and circulation of oxygen in your body lifts up your mood and keeps you happy and active throughout the day,” says Garima.

Excellent for bone health

Magnesium present in red rice is essential for maintaining good bone health. Include red rice in your daily diet to avoid the risk of osteoporosis, joint troubles and lower bone density generally seen in people with magnesium deficiency.

Lowers the risk of heart problems

Red rice is known to keep bad cholesterol at a bay. Eating red rice with bran is a good way of keeping cholesterol levels in track and preventing the onset of any heart problems later in life.

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