
5 zodiac signs that bring calm to chaos

These are your go-to people when something goes wrong!


You know, when there is a storm in you and all you wanna do is like temporarily evaporate? Sometimes, you feel there is so much chaos around you—be it in your head or in the energy of others—that it makes you want to just run away. Sometimes, you may feel life is falling apart, or you may have a mood swing in which a problem may seem more convoluted than it really is. 

In such moments, everyone craves that one person who is like an anchor—the calm to your chaos. Be it a parent, a sibling, a bestie or a partner, life can feel incomplete without your human diary. 

If this made you think of someone, and their zodiac sign is on the list, then they are born with it. For those who aren’t on the list, you have acquired the skill! 


You don’t believe in letting anything disturb your mental peace, or that image in your head where you’re enjoying a European getaway. So you have developed a system that helps you remain grounded when a potential threat to your happiness mushrooms. And when you see a loved one in trouble, you lend them some of that sanity so they can join you in the vacay mood. 


You’re a nurturer and you will let nothing hurt your loved ones, as long as it is in your control. And when it’s not, you will come with your emotional band-aid handy, and heal their hassled heart. You not only offer them love and kindness but also a fresh perspective that instantly calms them down. 


Your loved ones come to you for advice whenever they are stuck with something because of your decisiveness and practicality. When a person close to you looks troubled, you have no problem stepping in and helping them organise their thoughts in order to deal with the situation better. Logical and analytical, you figure it all out before they even complete season 2 of their fake scenarios.


Irrespective of how much of an overthinker you are on the inside, you look like you’ve just had a two-hour deep tissue massage from a spa in the Himalayas. When a loved one approaches you amidst chaos, it’s your demeanour that makes them feel calm instantly. You will tell an anecdote or two, and let the other person know that they are not the only one going through such a thing. 


It’s hard to get you tensed because you have an attitude so optimistic, it’s hard for you to see the glass as half empty. While you may get stressed once in a while, usually you believe good things will happen and you rub off that peace onto people close to you! 

Lead image: Pexels

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