
5 things to avoid if you are on your journey towards self-growth

It's time to self-reflect!

May 29, 2024

Most of us kickstart our self-growth journey with a strong commitment that more often than not, withers over time. Be it a lack of motivation or endless distractions, there’s always something keeping us from staying on course, making the journey towards self-growth can feel like an impossible task. And if this is how you feel, believe us, you’re not alone. Although difficult, it is possible to successfully embark on your journey toward self-growth with minimal failure, if you avoid these five things.

Setting goals with no plan of action

We cannot emphasise this enough: setting goals without laying a practical plan of action is a recipe for failure. Goal setting alone is unlikely to be fruitful. For instance, if you wanted to become a model, you would have to hunt for a good photographer, select your outfits, get your portraits clicked, make the necessary edits, and then send them out to agencies in order to get hired. You have to plan out the entire process and be sure to stick to it.

Overlooking self-reflection

Practising self-reflection is one of the most important and often overlooked steps when talking about self-growth. Sure, it is crucial to prioritise your work. However, not leaving any room to acknowledge and understand your progress can lead to a lack of self-awareness, which again, is one of the most fundamental principles of self-growth.

Gossiping and backbiting

Image credit: Pexels

Gossiping and back-biting are signs of low self-esteem and are often a reflection of your own flaws. Your journey towards self-growth will be a never-ending struggle if you're busy focusing on other people and their shortcomings. Not to mention, it is a waste of precious time that could have been better utilised practising self-reflection and improving your own life.

Lacking mindset

Image credit: Pexels

Having a mindset focused on what you lack, rather than acknowledging what you have, puts you in a negative space both spiritually and emotionally. Acknowledging what you have and working towards what you want is very different from degrading yourself for not feeling lucky enough and not putting in any effort. A lacking mindset can very easily become the primary reason of selling yourself short everywhere too. Not counting your blessings and always focusing on what you do not have can deteriorate your self-esteem more and more, and cause you to feel negative emotions such as extreme self-doubt in the long run.  

Being dishonest to yourself

Image credit: Pexels

We often accept criticism from people who hardly know us well enough to do so. This happens because we don’t take the time to reflect on our own habits and flaws. We overlook them, thinking they can’t do us much harm. However, there is great power in sitting with your thoughts, acknowledging your flaws, and actually working on them. The happiness and pride you feel afterwards are well worth the effort. It feels much better than just avoiding these habits and going about your day.

Lead image credit: Netflix

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