
Here's Why Some Lovers Always Cheat, According to a Mental Health Expert

Live with them, love them or leave them? Read this before you call quits on your romantic relationship with a serial cheater!

Feb 3, 2021
While how you deal with a cheating partner boils down to figuring out what you REALLY feel, serial cheaters, come with a completely different memo!
"A person usually wants out of a relationship when their expectations with the current one aren’t being met. This can be in the form of communication barriers, unmet sexual needs, a power shift between the partners, financial or social disparity amongst various other reasons. When you don’t find solace in your partner, is when you venture out to find the peace and calm," says Arouba.
She adds, "Meanwhile a serial cheater is someone who always blames the partner for the troubles faced during the relationship and feels entitled to proudly look outside the relationship for whatever their partner is supposedly lacking be it sex, attention, love or anything else. It’s important to understand that being in this pattern is going to hamper not just your relationships but also your personality as a person and will affect your professional and family relationships as well, leading to a life lacking contentment leading to isolation."
"To prevent such a situation, it’s important to introspect. Every time you are falling for someone, don’t bind them in a relationship till you’re committed yourself. And if you do get into a relationship, then learn to accept your flaws, give an ear to your partner, accept that you could be the culprit as well and work on issues together. Making these small changes will go a long way in committing to the right person and more importantly to your own self."
"Being cheated on is a truly tragic feeling, one needs to muster the courage to sail through these emotionally turbulent times. It’s important to first remember that possibly the culprit isn’t you and thus you should not take the blame and spiral down in self-guilt."
"Losing a partner is associated with sadness and a feeling of loneliness but instead you can use this time to build your own self, identify what might’ve been a shortcoming from your end and work on it for yourself and your future relationships. Coming back stronger is the best way to deal with anything that breaks you."
"A sure mood lifter is to surround yourself with people who love you, be it friends or family. Indulge in activities you used to love and reignite the passion as well as bring back warmth to your heart. A very healthy and important step is to talk it out, don’t keep emotions boiling inside of you, talk to someone or seek professional help and let go of any negativity that might be hoarded in your heart."
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