
9 Everyday Things That You Should Never Keep In Your Handbag

These seemingly innocent items are a big no-no to carry around with you, find out exactly why.

Mar 20, 2019
A woman's handbag is one of the most important items in her life. She uses it to define her personal style, finish her outfit, and carry around all her essentials as she moves through life. From a spare tampon, to your wallet and medication, the items in your purse can keep you prepared for any situation or emergency. There are some things, however, which might seem important to have on you at all times, but could end up creating issues for you if lost. We have listed out nine items you should remove from your handbag ASAP, and here's good reason why.
This might seem like a safe and convenient thing to do, but it leaves your passwords open to being copied or stolen, a serious breach of security. It's a much better idea to store them in a password manager in your smartphone, or just memorise the important ones.
The only identifying document you should carry on you is your driver's license. Leave your passport, Aadhar card, and voter ID at home, unless you need them specifically. Why, you ask? Apart from the hassle involved in replacing these, they are a major cause of identity theft. The convenience of having them on hand is just not worth it.
It might not always be possible, but try keeping your debit card on you only when you are withdrawing cash, same goes for your cheque book and large amounts of money. If these things are convenient for you to use, think of how easy they will be for any thief to get to as well.
Warm temperatures and broken caps can spell disaster, and cause makeup to melt or leak all over the contents of your purse. If you must, opt for travel sizes of your absolute essentials and store them in a separate makeup case.
Though not as tragic as losing your identifying documents, receipts paint a picture of what you typically spend your money on, which can make it easier for someone to make purchases on your card without arousing suspicion.
Just like cosmetics, food can spill, leak , rot and create a disaster in your purse, even potentially ruin it. Stick to bagged items like trail mix or nuts that won't cause much of a mess.
While this might feel like a completely obvious item to keep in your bag, it's nearly impossible to get the balance back on these if lost or stolen, so put them in only when you are heading out to make a specific purchase.
Anyone who gets their hands on these can easily access your gym, club or any other place and even use them to impersonate you and spend on your tab.
Electronic devices, books, umbrellas, all these things only make your bag heavy and cause neck pain and health issues over time. Remove the extra stuff and only put something in when you need to use it on a particular day.
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