
Your Scorpio Horoscope For the Month of July 2019

Our in-house astrologer tells you whats in store for your sign✨

By Shruti Dwivedi
Jul 9, 2019


Astro: The Solar eclipse around the 2nd will need you to be a bit cautious. Practice calmness, drive carefully, and learn the art of ignoring what’s not important. A tiff at work can blow out of proportion, so be careful, and don’t let your mood swings get the better of you. It’s not all bad, though—the month will also bring in some profitable property deals, and you’ll get ample support from a parent. Mercury retrograde can, however, delay cash inflow, and make you work harder to be understood. You’ll have to be very mindful of your communication or you may be misunderstood. Do be extra careful before sending out any emails. This will be a good time to clear off any misunderstandings. With Mars in your house of luck, and Jupiter retrograde in your natal zodiac, things will be quite organised and well planned. Watch out for last minute delays, though. Around the Lunar eclipse, a slight expense will come out of the blue. With Sun in your house of luck in the middle of the month, you will find yourself taking very bold decisions, your energy levels will be high, and a quick travel is around the corner. Venus, Mars and Sun all in your house of luck on the 23 rd will brighten up your love life, offering you the best as far as romance goes. Those planning to get hitched, end of the month will be a good time.

Tarot: Reunions, get-togethers, making bold decisions, and taking a strong stand will make things rather exciting for you this month. Although, in the beginning of the month, you may find yourself looking back and thinking of people who aren’t there for you now, and can feel disappointed. But bear in mind: there is absolutely no point living in the past. A generous male figure will make you feel good. This is also the time to share your own treasures, whether it is knowledge or money. You may get tempted to escape from pending issues and put them on the backburner for now, but it’ll only be momentary. Also, try not to let things stress yourself too much, or you’ll start feeling suffocated and end up with health problems.

The middle of the month brings you closer to love, friends and relationships. This is also a good time to take your career to the next level. You’ll realise you’re a step closer to your goals—achieving them is all about prioritising and putting things in perspective. A great guy is likely to walk into your life and add a spark; meeting family and old friends will keep you in high spirits as well.

Lucky Days: Tuesday and Sunday

Lucky Colours:  Red and Earthy colours.

Predictions by Shruti Dwivedi Email: Instagram: ://ShrutiDwivediOfficial

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