
Your weekly horoscope for January 8-15

Everything you need to know for the upcoming week.

Jan 9, 2024

Stretch without snapping! Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps us find bend without breaking and make the necessary changes in our lives. On Thursday, the annual New Moon in Capricorn inspires us to think reframe our goals around the process we need to initiate rather than the results we want to achieve to the process. A goal is better nutrition; the process is meal-prepping and grocery shopping. Focus on the process and the system, not always the result. Mercury will enter system loving Capricorn on Saturday (where it was from December 1-23), continuing its themes until February 5.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


What do you value, Aries? Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine wants you to consider all things “values”—from finances to putting your ethics into practice—as a winning strategy for career. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants all your intentions on your career, especially your desire for freedom and leadership. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and helps you cultivate systems for success.


Think again, Taurus. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine wants you to get curious about seeing something differently instead of doubling down on your current stance. Time to pivot! Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on education and exploration, growth and learning. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and takes you to new campuses and countries so you can expand your horizons.


That was then, this is now, Gemini. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine reminds you that the past travels with you, but it may not need to anymore. Stay focused on the present. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions for intimacy and relationships. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday, helping you talk about your desires for deeper dynamics and sexuality.


Everyone’s equal, Cancer. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps you apply the same expectations across friends, lovers, and romantic partners as a new approach for growth. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on the receiving and giving of romantic love. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and inspires you to find the win/win and compromise beautifully.


It’s the lil things, Leo. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine wants you to notice how the small details can lead to big changes, especially in a professional context—so pay close attention. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions for wellbeing. Choose the habits that can help you become who you want to be. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and inspires you to pick up a mindfulness/meditation practice for success.


You’re worth it, Virgo. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine reminds you that you’re fundamentally worthy of love, joy, and success exactly as you are—AND you can be a work in progress, too. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions for confidence and the habits that build it. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and motivates you to cut the habits that make your confidence a bit shaky.


Let your heart speak, Libra! Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps you communicate your emotions in a successful way that bridges connection to you and your loved ones. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on home, family, and belonging. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and inspires you to strengthen your emotional literacy and intelligence for wellbeing.


Words AND actions, Scorpio. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps you understand language and listening when examining who is trustworthy and why. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on how increasing your communication skills will expand your world in big ways. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and helps you put more structure and form in your speaking for success.


What’s your body saying, Sag? Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine educates you on your somatic wisdom and how your body knows when you can approach, avoid, or sit with ambivalence. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on financial success. On Saturday, Mercury enters Capricorn and you’ll be learning innovative ways to work on wealth and financial freedom.


Happy birthday, Capricorn! Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps you see yourself the way your loved ones see you and makes the inner critic a lot less loud. Thursday’s New Moon is your annual make a wish moment; so tell the Universe your birthday intentions on being, doing, and having. Mercury enters your sign on Saturday and supports you in all your mental efforts for success.


Break the cycle, Aquarius. Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine helps liberate you from a pattern that you inherited from your family. Choose to react from wisdom, not wounds. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on closure and healing. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and helps you use language as a path for healing and forgiveness.


Call your girls, Pisces! Tuesday’s Sun-Uranus trine is perfect for spontaneous socialization, so check in on your friends, gather together, and reinforce each other’s strengths. Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on community and how healing emerges there. Mercury enters Capricorn on Saturday and reinforces your most meaningful friendships.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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