
Selena Gomez changed the caption of her latest Insta post to reflect her social media break

FYI, Selena is back on TikTok after deactivating her account last night.   

By Mehera Bonner
Feb 25, 2023

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After a ton of TikTok drama involving Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner, eyebrows (?) and Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez is taking a break from social media. Sel initially deactivated her TikTok last night (it's back up as of today), but also hit Instagram to inform fans of her break by editing the caption of her most recent post, which now reads, "I deleted this one time because I thought maybe it was too much but eh (taking a break from social)."

Sel explained her decision to take a social break last night, saying in a live video, "I'm very happy, I'm so blessed, I have the best friends, the best fans in the whole world and I just couldn't be happier. I'm good. I love the way I am I don't care, I'm big, I'm not, I don't care. I love who I am. And yeah, I'm gonna be taking a second from social media, because this is a little silly. And I'm 30, I'm too old for this, so...but I love you guys so much! And I will see you guys sooner than later, I just... I'm just gonna just take a break from everything."

The decision came shortly after fans realized she'd commented on an old video of Hailey Bieber seemingly gagging at Taylor Swift's name. In response, Selena wrote, "So sorry my best friend is and continues to be one of the best in the game."

More on that below, if you're not already at peak levels of exhausted!


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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