
The Best Orange-Infused Face Masks for a Glowing Complexion

Meet the choicest face masks containing the goodness of orange.

Aug 18, 2020

Packed with Vitamin C, oranges make for an amazing skincare ingredient. Rich in natural oils and vitamins, it has skin purifying and hydrating properties. Oranges boost the natural glow of the skin by refining the skin’s tone and texture, while its antioxidants fight free radical damage caused due to sun exposure. Oranges have a high content of citric acid, which help in gently exfoliating skin and also aid in drying out acne. Here are some orange-y face packs that will help you achieve flawless skin.

Formulated with orange peel extracts, rich in citric acid that make it a gentle yet potent exfoliator, this mask removes impurities and evens out the skin tone from its very first use, leaving you with supple and bright skin.         

High in citric acid that gently exfoliates dead skin cells and increases the regenerative properties of the skin, this mask takes years off your appearance by tightening and brightening the skin and boosting its collagen production.   

It also contains kakadu plum, an additional source of Vitamin C and jojoba oil that protects against UV rays damage and supports skin repair.          

This Ayurvedic formulation with a high content of Vitamin C, helps the body to form more collagen, which keeps your skin looking young and supple. It also fights premature ageing of the skin caused due to sun damage and delivers an even skin tone, sans any patchiness.


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