
Beauty Blunders that are Ageing you Faster

Are you guilty of these bloopers?

Mar 16, 2020

Does a dull, tired face, zapped of radiance stare back at you in the mirror? If you nod in approval then its time to closely examine your beauty regime. But then, you have been following a regime that your friends, neighbours and the cute girl you met at a party said worked for them. We do not want to burst your happy bubble but the truth is not all skin type is similar. Read on to sift anti-ageing facts from wrinkle-fighting fiction.


Are you over cleansing?

The thought that washing your face often can keep it squeaky clean and glowing isn’t true. Dermatologists recommend you wash your face twice a day to remove dirt, pollution remnants and prepare it for further skin care application. Washing more than twice rids the face of natural oils and disturbs the skin’s natural barrier making it dry.

Are you sleeping less than seven hours?

Not getting enough sleep doesn’t only slow down your ability to make decisions and interfere with your metabolic rate but also affects your skin. Besides the puffy eyes and under eye circles and bags, it can also accelerate the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.


Are you using layers of foundation?

If you are reaching out to slather layers of foundation to hide spots and wrinkles then you are doing a disservice to your skin. Thick layers of foundation tend to settle into the wrinkles around your eyes and mouth accentuating the fine lines. They also make it difficult for the skin to breathe. Replace the foundation with a tinted moisturizer that’s lighter and gives your skin a visible glow. 


Are you sleeping with your hair open?

Your hair has dust and oil trapped in it that gets easily transferred onto your face while you are sleeping. This can clog open pores and lead to break outs.


Are you only using an anti-wrinkle cream?

While it’s essential to use a anti-wrinkle cream every night, using it solely without a moisturizer won’t give desired results. You need to hydrate the skin with a moisturizer after cleansing and then apply anti-ageing cream. Also, do not skip applying an eye cream.


Are you opting for the wrong facials?

Signing in for any facial at the salon round the corner may not be a good idea. Each skin type needs a specific treatment and dermatologists are trained to help you with it. Consult a dermatologist to find a facial that suits your needs.

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