15 Everyday Foods That Can Supercharge Your Metabolism

Most of them are lying in your Indian kitchen right now

21 March, 2018
15 Everyday Foods That Can Supercharge Your Metabolism

We are what we eat , and going by popular research our weight loss is determined seventy percent of what we eat and thirty percent by our exercise regimen. Food that boosts our metabolism can play a crucial part in determining an effective diet plan to help shed off those kilos faster to a thinner and more fabulous looking you.

However, don't go running off to stock up on expensive and imported diet and superfoods just yet. We have put together a list of fifteen foods to include in your daily diets , all of which are easily available to us in India .

1.Oatmeal : The humble oatmeal which has been eating as a breakfast food by families is a great way to boost metabolism and aid weight loss. Eat some for breakfast , as a snack or make oats rotis , idlis and dosas .

2.Green Tea : Packed with anti-oxidants , this refreshing drink can be found in all our homes and is great for the metabolism. Have a cup before your meals for an even greater effect.

3.Yogurt : Always a part of the balanced Indian diet , yogurt is full of calcium and protein , gives you energy and helps build lean muscle. It is also great for debloating and healthy digestion to aid weight loss.

4.Almonds : This super charged nut can be found in almost all our kitchens and makes for a healthy and tasty metabolism boosting snack.Being rich in protein they also help the body to burn calories . Sprinkle some into your salads and smoothies for a tasty pick me up as well.

5.Coffee : Known in ancient times as drink of the gods, caffeine rich coffee can help give energy , curb hunger pangs and boost the metabolism. It is most effective when consumed black without any milk or sugar.

6. Turkey : Not a meat traditionally consumed in India , turkey is however easily available and makes for great source of lean protein to be added to salads , sandwiches and healthy food options.

7.Apples : Apart from keeping the doctor away , this is the ideal and most delicious food to speed up metablism and aid weight loss. However , it is most effective when eaten by itself or added to salads and smoothies.

8.Spinach : Organic green leafy vegetables like spinach provide iron to support healthy blood which is the key to optimal cellular metabolic energy .

9.Beans : These nutrition powerhouses are also key to keeping metabolism moving efficiently . Packed with lean protein and fibre , they also keep you feeling full and reduce cravings. Being a staple in Indian food , beans can be easily incorporated in a balanced diet and everyday meals.

10. Jalapeno : Though mostly associated with Mexican food , Jalapeno peppers can be found in most local supermarkets in India.Containing the bioactive ingredient capsacin , they double energy expenditure for upto three hours after a meal.

11. Broccoli : This super vegetable contains calcium , vitamin C and fibre which increases the TEF or Thermal Effect of Food to boost your metabolism after eating.

12.Curry : A staple in Indian kitchens , curry as a spice is used in most Indian food recipes. The spices in curry help promote weight loss while making food delicious to eat as well.

13.Cinnamon : Also a common Indian spice , cinnamon is a detoxifier and also helps regulate the metabolism of sugar and carbohydrates. Have a cup of hot water with a stick of cinnamon or add to your tea , coffee and gravies to get your cinni fix.

14. Soya milk : Ideal if consumed fresh , Soya milk helps to suppress appetite and boost metabolic activity.

and finally...

15.Grapefruit : This contains naringenin , an anti oxidant that the Scripps Clinic in California found helps keep insulin in check and increase calorie burn . Grapefruit is the ideal breakfast food or snack to aid weight loss.

So there you go , fifteen easy to find foods to help you get to a slimmer more fabulous you without the stress of following complicated diets. Get them out of your kitchen and into your plates . We for one , are sipping on our cinnamon tea as we speak.
